Friday, December 1, 2006

Quilting Arts

I love Quilting Arts magazine and Cloth, Paper, Scissors and now follow Patricia's blog. She issued a challenge a couple of months ago and I was one of the lucky few who got goodies from her to create with. I made a little memories box from the materials sent to me- I used a Blue Bird matches box, in part because the challenge was issued on the death of her father, and the matches reminded me of my late grandfather. He smoked a pipe and my sister and I would run to him to blow out his matches. There are lots of memories of my parents and grandparents I can keep in there; I miss them all.
What a great job Patricia Bolton has created for herself! Hard, hard work, I have no doubt - you never work harder and longer than when you work for yourself, but if you are doing what you love, then it's play. Her work is bringing us incredibly talented works of art and their creators. What fun!

There's a lovely fabric journal featured on her blog right now I'm thinking of making up for a friend. I haven't burned chiffon scarves, though, and hope they burn better than some of the materials I used for some ATCs. They're really cool, but not as clean looking as the pictures on Patricia's blog. I had a bit of blackish gunk, but that must have been the material I was using. My top layer was a polyester or something that I painted a dark blue. Perhaps the paint created the gunk.

I was going to post some pictures but it doesn't seem to be working right now. Perhaps tomorrow. (Note: it's tomorrow, and I've uploaded two pics of my challenge piece above) I want to go play with packing tape transparencies again. I'm putting packing tape all over my magazines now. It's just a terrific idea!

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